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Dr. Kalashnikov

Question: Здравствуйте Алексей Сергеевич, беременность 8 недель, с молодым человеком резус-конфликт, сдала кровь на антитела титр антител 1:128, хотела бы узнать можно ли рожать с таким титром? Врач говорит делать аборт, т.к ребенок может родиться инвалидом.

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The PelvicToner is a unique new patented device developed in the US after extensive research. The PelvicToner is registered as a Medical Device in the European Community and approved by the FDA in the US. It is manufactured in the UK using medical grade materials and incorporating a special anti-microbial finish.

The PelvicToner is a progressive resistance vaginal exerciser designed for use in conjunction with Kegel exercises. It has been shown that by using a PelvicToner regularly you can experience a much quicker recovery from any weakness as well as enjoying a quicker strengthening of the muscles.

Regular use will begin to tighten your pelvic muscles after one week. The PelvicToner is easy and enjoyable to use.



How to clean your PelvicToner

Hand wash with soap and water before and after use. The PelvicToner is also dishwasher safe and the springs are stainless steel and should not rust or corrode

The PelvicToner and Pelvicisor are registered as Class 1 medical devices under the provisions of the Medical Devices Directive, 93/42/EEC

Clinical studies